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Amazing ICE EGGS!!

26th Feb 2020

Mrs McCusker told P2, 3 & 4 about a magical bird she had met at the park one evening who gave her some ice eggs for the children to observe and explore! Everyone LOVED looking closely with magnifying glasses at the eggs and noticing the "explosions" within the ice of oxygen which had been caught as the egg turned to ice.  Some children gave brilliant descriptions - "it looks like hair, it looks fuzzy, it looks like an artic hedgehog!" What wonderful observation skills.  Then the children poured salt onto the eggs and noticed what happened "It is rough, bumpy, it is like a crystal, like a rock." To finish the children added paint to their eggs and watched carefully as it ran into the cracks and ridges make by the salt.  What a super bunch of scientists who predicted, observed and reported their findings!  Unfortunately we realised that the magic bird did not really exist.  What a shame!